The project is implemented by the Italian Arma dei Carabinieri (Carabinieri Corps), in cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Office – Department of Rights and Equal Opportunities, the Spanish Guardia Civil (Junior Partner), with Studiare Sviluppo as Mandated Body for the administrative and financial assistance.
This proposal aims to enhance professional skills of Turkish Jandarma’s law enforcement officers in respect of the fundamental rights and their application in police activities, in accordance with the programmes developed by Turkish Government to align its law enforcement system with international standards.
The overall objective is to consolidate a functioning democratic system, including respect for the rule of law and Human Rights and other Copenhagen Criteria by:
– increasing the knowledge and skills in European Human Rights and ethical standards through Human Rights training, and other capacity-building activities, facilitating long–term effective implementation of these standards at the national level.
– improving and placing statement-taking activity in the process of judicial investigations in the context of a shift towards evidence-based prosecutions